
A snapshot in time, tarot readings are just one way to tap into the wisdom of a higher power.

To me, It doesn’t matter what name you give to the source that is greater than us all. Some common references to the divine include God, Goddess, Divine Spirit, Universe, the Great I Am …

What does matter is that you have faith in something larger than the everyday minutia of earthly concerns, and that you call upon this higher power in both good times and bad.

John F. Kennedy Jr. said, “Have faith in your God, whatever you perceive him or her to be.” I think what he was trying to say is there is something out there that is bigger than us … something that we can look to for guidance and for comfort … and having faith in that something makes our lives richer, brings us peace and helps us put things into perspective.

That “something bigger” is referenced in all the major religions, but all religions use a different name for this same divine source of wisdom. In the Christian faith, the divine is called God, but that is not its only name. In fact, the Bible has more than 900 names for God.

There are seven names for God in the Jewish faith; the most common of which is Yahweh. In Hinduism, there are many gods and goddesses, but some of the more common names include Krishna, Rama, Brahma and Vishnu.

Allah is used in the Islam faith to refer to God, and Avalokiteshvara is the most common and popular Buddhist celestial being, though there are many others.

And that just covers the five MAJOR religions of the world.

When you read tarot cards, you are accessing the wisdom and guidance that is always available to us from Divine Spirit, the source that is within us. I also believe you can access the wisdom of other divine entities including spirit guides, angels, ancestors and passed-on loved ones who look out for us and are available to provide guidance in our lives every day.

Through tarot, we can access wisdom from all of these spiritual beings, but the important thing to remember is you are tapping into your personal subconscious to find the answers that come from within. The wisdom is within you; the tarot is just a tool to draw it out.

It is also important to remember that a tarot reading is a snapshot in time. All tarot readings should be approached with the premise, “If things continue down this path, this is a likely outcome…” The reason for this is you always have free will, as does everyone. And, therefore, circumstances can change at any time based on your desires, decisions and actions.

For instance, if you get a tarot reading and you hear something in that reading that makes you think, “That’s not what I want,” you have free will to make different decisions that will affect the outcome of that reading.

I hope you choose to continue on a journey of self-discovery through the ancient art of tarot reading.

Happy Journey!

Get a Reading

Experience the tarot for yourself with a reading. Each reading includes an oracle card for overall energy, a tarot reading using the Rider-Waite tarot deck and clarifiers, when necessary, from the Secrets of the Tarot deck by Amanda Hall.

Learn to Read Tarot

Explore the mysteries of tarot for yourself in a six-part tarot reading class. Each video walks you through the generally accepted and lesser-known meanings associated with each tarot card.



“The journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.

Chinese Proverb